favorite genre

My favorite genre of music is lofi Hip-hop BECUASE IT IS RELAXING AND SOOTHING OF THE MIND I HIGHly recommend this genre for people who r depressed or troubled in any way

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My favorite movie

my favorite movie would have to be Bioshock infinite. The game is set in 1912 on a floating steampunk city named Columbia which was founded on the principles of American exceptionalism.  The story of it is that a man named Booker Dewitt has to find a young girl named Elizabeth in a huge floating city and…

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my favorite genre

My favorite genre of book is action and drama because they take through a ride of emotions and there is a almost always a really good beginning middle and the end of the book with the last chapter always leading from the last chapter.

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My favorite genre

My favorite genre is fiction and horror books. I like fiction books because they tell stories of animals and humans. I also like horror books because they’re scary.

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